Sabtu, 16 Februari 2008

Error 678 Dial Broadband

Error 678

Follow this steps :

Step 1: Turn On Modem ADSL

1.See adsl modem ON (Not blinking) before you dial

Step 2 : Reset winsock TCP/IP

1.Click start -> Click Run -> tipe netsh winsock reset and than enter

2.When command prompt window up again, restart computer

3.Try ping to Modem and Try connection diaol again.

Step 3: setting Modem adsl

1.Login to Gateway Modem via Browser exp:

Pic : VPI : 8 / VCI : 81 (for Bandung)

- Encapsulation : LLC

- Type Koneksi : Bridge

2 . If Not Work try to Reset you Modem and setting adsl Ruter again.

Error 769 Dial Broadband


Chek LAN computer:

1. Click start menu

2. Click Control Panel

3. Click Network Connection

  1. Click Local Area Connection

- -> Click Right and than ENABLE.

Error 619/691 Dial Broadband

ERROR 619/691

Try Create New Connection at computer :

1.Click start menu

2.Click Control Panel

3.Click Network Connection

4. Click 'create a new connectio ->NEXT

5. Clcik connect to the internet àNEXT

6.Click setup my connection manually ->NEXT

7. Click connect using a broadband connection that requires a username and password -> NEXT

8.ISP Name:speedy -> NEXT

Password:XXXXXXX -> NEXT

10.Check list Add a shortcut to this connection to my dekstop.

11.Click Finish.

12.Click icon speedy at dekstop

13.Click connect

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